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Latest InformationThe Fourth Business Study Workshop for Fiscal 2016 was Held.


JCIA holds Business Study Workshops in order to provide the executives and the employees of the member societies with useful information, so that they would have a better understanding of business circumstances.

The fourth business study workshop for fiscal 2016 was held as follows,

- Date: Friday 14th October 2016
- Venue: Lecture Hall, Shinjuku Historical Museum
-Theme: Revolution of Mobility Society and its Influence on Insurance Industry
-Lecturer: Mr. Wataru Fukushima, Manager, Deloitte Tohmatsu Consulting LLC

Dr. Fukushima explained the revolution of mobility society, the future of transportation systems, and its influence on automobile insurance business. He also mentioned the latest use of "Telematics; Mix of Telecommunication and Informatics" in insurance industries in Europe and the USA.